OTHERS (Antwerp)Nov. 25, 2023 (Sat.) - Dec. 23, 2023 (Sat.)

Venue:Fred & Ferry
Marc Nagtzaam / Ikuhisa Sawada


この展覧会は二人の作家と一つの出版レーベルによるコラボレーション展”OTHERS"の二回目の展覧会です。この展覧会はアントワープのFred & Ferryにて行われました。
三者は2021年にori.studioからリリースされた『c-site.3 : 他者の言語』にて協働し、それを起点に今回のプロジェクトが構想されました。 プロジェクトは三つの地域で行われる展覧会と、プロジェクト全体を本の形式で再現したアートブックで構成されます。展覧会は2023年6月に東京(The White)、同9月にアントワープ(FRED & FERRY)、2024年に北京(日程と会場は調整中)で開催し、全ての展覧会が終了後にプロジェクトの経過とインスタレーション、それぞれの作家の作品をを収録したアートブックがリリースされます。 本展のテーマは、作品を通じたコミュニケーションと、それに伴う作品の拡張です。各々の展覧会は、最初にそれぞれの都市を拠点とする作家に他方の作家が作品を送り、受け取った作家はそれを解釈して会場構成を提案します。その後、そのプランを全員で共有し、作品の追加や会場の更新など各々の反応を取り込みながらインタラクティブに展示空間を組み立ててゆきます。各々の解釈によってもたらされる誤解や齟齬など、他者との間に生まれる予期されない要素も積極的に取り入れることで、作品に他者が侵入し、それをきっかけに作者の意図を超えて作品が有機的に変成されてゆくことを期待しています。

This exhibition is a collaboration between two artists and a publishing label. This exhibition is the second edition of the collaborative exhibition "OTHERS" between two artists and a publishing label. The exhibition took place at Fred & Ferry in Antwerp.
The two artists and publisher collaborated together on the book "c-site.3: Other" released by ori.studio in 2021, which was the starting point for the conception of this project.
The project comprises of three regional exhibitions and an art book that recreates the entire project in book form. The exhibitions will be held in Tokyo (The White) in June of 2023, in Antwerp(FRED&FERRY)in September of the same year, and in Beijing in 2024(dates and venues to be decided).
The theme of the exhibition is communication through artwork and the resulting expansion of said artwork. For each exhibition, the artist will first send a piece of work to the other artist based in the respective city, who then interprets it and proposes a venue configuration. The plan is then shared among all participants. The exhibition space is constructed interactively, incorporating each artist's response, including adding new works and updates to the installation. By actively incorporating unexpected elements that arise between the artists and others, elements such as misunderstandings and discrepancies brought about by their interpretations, we hope that others will intrude into the work and that this will ultimately trigger an organic metamorphosis of the work that transcends the artist's original intentions.



近年の主な個展に、「Various, Elsewhere, Ongoing」(2020/['ka:jeta:n] Raum für Kunst/ベルリン)、「Regular Features」(2019/art3/ヴァランス)、「Regular Features」(2019/Archiv/チューリッヒ)。デュオ展として「 Dialogue(with Meryem Bayram)」(2021/ Fred & Ferry/アントワープ)、「Regular Features(with Mark Manders)」(2019/Enter Enter, Space for Books/アムステルダム)。グループ展として「2003 - 2023, PSD」(2023/ProjecteSD/バルセロナ)、「Unboxing Aspen 5 + 6」(2022/Estrany-de la Mota/バルセロナ)、 「Regular Features and Borrowed Space (curated by M.N.)」(2020 / ProjecteSD, Barcelona (ES)、「 One way or another(with Hans Demeulenaere)」(2019/SMAK,/ゲント)、「Doppelgänger(with Hans Demeulenare)」(2021/De Garage/メレヘン)、「Minstens 1 ½ uur en terug」(2021 / De Warande/トゥルンホルト)、「Kajetan Presents:」(2021/['ka:jeta:n] Raum für Kunst/ベルリン)など。近年の著書に「Present」(2023/ Roma Publications 438)、「Farben」 (2022/ Roma Publications 416)、「Borrowed Space」 (2019/Roma Publications 376)など。

Marc Nagtzaam(b. 1968), based in Hoofdplaat, The Netherlands.

Marc Nagtzaam has been producing a body of work that is based on one main subject: the idea of pattern, the repetition. He draws lines, grids, circles, words or sentences as in an endless search for new combinations and structures. The repetition and the graphic structure of his works seems reminiscent of minimal and conceptual aesthetics. Most of Marc Nagtzaam's drawings consist of darkly filled in graphite surfaces. Abstracted elements from architecture, graphic design, details from found photographs, or parts from previous drawings are starting points for every series of works. This source material is being reduced, with basic, elementary means: dots, lines and flat surfaces, to construct a sort of structure. Recent solo exhibitions include; 2020: Various, Elsewhere, Ongoing, [‘ka:jeta:n], Raum für Kunst, Berlin(DE)/ 2019: Regular Features, art3, Valance(FR)and Regular Features. Archiv, Zürich(CH). Duo exhibitions: 2021: Dialogue(with Meryem Bayram), Fred & Ferry, Antwerp(B)/ 2019: Regular Features(with Mark Manders). Enter Enter, Space for Books, Amsterdam and group exhibitions: 2023: 2003 - 2023, ProjecteSD, Barcelona(ES)/ 2022: Unboxing Aspen 5 + 6, Estrany-de la Mota. Barcelona(ES)/ 2020: Regular Features and Borrowed Space(curated by M.N.)ProjecteSD, Barcelona(ES)/ 2021: One way or another(with Hans Demeulenaere), SMAK, Ghent(B)/ Doppelgänger(with Hans Demeulenare). De Garage, Mechelen(B)/ Minstens 1 ½ uur en terug. De Warande, Turnhout(B)/ Kajetan Presents: [‘ka:jeta:n], Raum für Kunst, Berlin(DE). Recent publications: 2023: Present, Roma Publications 438 / 2022: Farben, Roma Publications 416 / 2019: Borrowed Space. Roma Publications 376.


写真家金村修ワークショップ参加。2014年よりオルタナティブ・スペース「The White」を主宰。
澤田はカメラが持つ記録性や機械性を利用して、日常的な視覚で認識されていない、新たなものの見方を発見することを試みています。 2011年より継続的に取り組んでいる作品、"closed circuit"では、多くの人が見知っている公共の場所(駅)で撮影された写真を大きくプリントし、展示空間の中で重層的に展示。鑑賞者が写真の間を歩くことでイメージ同士が干渉し、関係性の解体と再構築によってもたらされる新たな風景の発生を試みました。
主な展覧会として、αMプロジェクト2017『鏡と穴-彫刻と写真の界面』vol. 2(キュレーター:光田ゆり/2017/αM/東京)、「space/guide/ volume」(2021/CAVE-AYUMIGALLERY/東京)、「Export/Import」(助成:オランダ王国大使館/2021/The White/東京/ps. K_o_t_/アムステルダム/オランダ王国大使館/東京)、1年間にわたる毎月新作による連続展「closed circuit, monthly vol.1- vol12」(The Gallery / 東京)、『BIENNALE DE L'IMAGE TANGIBLE』(2021/パリ)など。 アートブックフェア/アートフェアとして、「New York Art Book Fair」(2018 /ニューヨーク)、「Hong Kong ART BOOK FAIR」(2019/香港)、「SWAB Art Fair」(2022/バルセロナ)他に参加。 2017年に自身のレーベル“The White”より「closed circuit 」、2018年にRONDADEより「substance」刊行。2021年にda-in-printの「c-site.3 : Other 他者」に参加。

Ikuhisa Sawada(b.1970), based in Tokyo.

Photographer and the director of the alternative space "The White" from 2014 to the present.
He participated in the Osamu Kanemura workshop.
Sawada uses the recording and mechanical properties of the camera to discover new ways of looking at things unrecognized by everyday vision. He has been working continuously on the "closed circuit" project since 2011. He makes large prints of photographs taken in public places (train stations) familiar to many people. He displays them in a layered manner in the exhibition space. As viewers walk among the photographs, the images interfere with each other. The artist attempts to create a new landscape by deconstructing and reconstructing relationships. Significant exhibitions include "αM Project 2017 - Mirrors and Holes - Photography into Sculpture." vol. 2 (curator: Yuri Mitsuda/2017/αM/Tokyo), "space/guide/volume" (2021/CAVE-AYUMIGALLERY /Tokyo), "Export/Import" supported by the Royal Netherlands Embassy (2021/The White/Tokyo and ps. K_o_t_/Amsterdam and the Royal Netherlands Embassy/Tokyo) a year-long series of monthly exhibitions titled "closed circuit, monthly vol.1- vol12" (The Gallery/Tokyo) and ”Biennale de l'image tangibles" (2021/Paris).
He participated in "New York Art Book Fair" in New York (2018), “Hong Kong Art Book Fair” in Hong Kong (2019), and “SWAB Art Fair" in Barcelona (2022).
In 2017, his photo book "closed circuit" was published by his label; in 2018, “substance" was published by RONDADE; and in 2021 participated in "c-site.3 : Other” published by da-in-print.